Romans 12, Sunday School, & Covid19


I would encourage you today to meditate on Romans 12. Paul begins by exhorting us to present our BODIES to God and to be TRANSFORMED by the renewal of our MINDS. He continues in v.3-21 with numerous examples (actually commands) of what that looks like in the life of the believer. In other words, if this is who you say you are, then you will be transformed into someone who does these things. You will WANT to.Here is my encouragement to you. All of those commands in v.3-21 can be accomplished even while we are social distancing! Meditate on those verses. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind to them and then to renew your mind how you can carry them out in our current context! I promise you that you will come up with numerous ways to use your gifts toward the Faith Family and others as you seek to grow in your sanctification! I love you all!

Last night we had our first SS teachers meeting online using Zoom. It was a great time as we got to see and hear each other, share some encouragement, and pray together. (Please don’t worry if as a teacher you could not attend. It is recorded and I will send the link out some time today.) FBCJ, please be intentional and make contact with your small group SS class members. Be active in whatever way your teacher is seeking to bring your group together during this time. Encourage your teachers to perhaps try a Zoom meeting. (see link below) Share ministry and prayer needs with one another. We have to think outside the box, and find ways to communicate regularly with one another.

On Sunday, along with Bro. Brian McAllister sermon, I’m planning to upload a teaching on this week’s SS lesson. After that your teacher should be in contact with you about ways you guys can discuss the lesson and the sermon throughout the week. Encourage them to do so!

We love and miss you all FBCJ! God be with you, til we meet again.
In His grace, 
Pastor Trey