Coronavirus Update: 3/19


Dear FBCJ Family,

I pray all is well with you. Yesterday, evening Bro. Trey and I collaborated with our deacons to evaluate our “Crisis Ministry Plan.” Let me first say how thankful I am for the staff at FBCJ. Ms. Tiffany Crim is working to make sure our facilities our clean and virus free. Larry Cryer has gone above and beyond in caring for the administration needs of our church. Bro.Trey has diligently worked to provide us with means through which we can minister and stay connected digitally to our congregation while practicing social distancing. FBCJ, you are a blessed church to have these individuals!

The following is the ministry plan we have put in place as we move forward in this unique natural disaster:

Our deacons are receiving a list of names of active church members and friends. During this time, each deacon will stay connected with these individuals by phone and text. They will relay important information to individual members and families and report back to the pastors any needs of those in our faith family.

This is a unique time, but it is one that has the potential to bring us closer to the Lord. It presents us with perhaps a greater responsibility to feed our own souls as we seek the Lord. You can do this by:

  • Reading the Word of God every day.
  • Praying constantly
  • Studying your Sunday School lesson
  • Reading Christian books. We can recommend some good ones that you can read on Kindle. Be watching for Recommended Resources on our website.
  1. Sermons and Bible Studies:

We will provide weekly sermons and Bible studies for everyone to watch from their home. We are actively working to have a sermon recorded and available for this Sunday. PLEASE stay faithful to listening to the preaching of God’s Word. I believe there is spiritual growth to be found in this crisis, but it will depend on each individual’s willingness to take the time.

These sermons will be recorded earlier in the week and uploaded to our church’s account. We will provide access to these sermons in different ways:

  • Church Website
  • Facebook member’s page
  • Text message. When you receive the text message just click on the link and enjoy.
  • DVDs will be made available for anyone who does not have internet or doesn’t feel comfortable with technology.
  1. Family Worship:

As stated above, you and your family’s spiritual growth in this time will be dependent upon how willing you are to spend time meeting with God. We are working on setting up a Resources Page on our website to help you. With these resources you will be able to spend time with your family reading, learning, and singing together. Please, do not waste this time that God has given you by binge watching Netflix or isolating yourself from the rest of your family. Maybe God is slowing us down so we can spend time with those most important to us.

  1. Stewardship Plan

Our hope is to be together soon, but unfortunately, the “social distancing” regulations may stick around longer than we think. Therefore, we all need to be prepared for the financial burden this will have on all of us. I have been in contact with our financial ministry team and we are formulating a long-term plan just in case. We can help by consistently giving our regular tithes and directing any additional giving to the general budget, where the greatest need is at this time, rather than to designated funds in the church.

Here are some ways for church members to continue their giving:

  • By Mail: First Baptist Church 500 S. Ave. Jonesboro, LA 71251
  • By Drop off or pick up. If you would rather someone pick it up, a deacon or staff will gladly come by.
  • By Online giving through website:
  1. Text to Connect

One of our biggest hurdles has been getting information out to people who are not on social media or do not use our smartphone app or website. We are presently working on connecting through text messaging. With our new ‘Call-em-All’ system, we will be able to send out numerous text messages to over two hundred people at once. This will allow us to keep everyone updated. Please be aware that you will be getting text messages from FBC Jonesboro. These messages will provide needed information and internet links.

Again, I am thankful for our staff, deacons, and church members who are helping to make all of this possible. In the beginning, the pain of not worshipping and fellowshipping with the people I care about most was devastating. Over the last couple of days that pain is being replaced with a sense of hope and yearning for when we will once again say, “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” Take care of yourselves, pray for one another, and let us all seek the Lord.

By His Grace,

Pastor Brian